Here are some tips on how to raise your Facebook organic reach.

Here are some tips on how to raise your Facebook organic reach.

When you get organic reach on Facebook by just writing a post on your business page, it refers to how many people you can reach without spending money at all. Paid reach on Facebook, refers to how many people you can reach as a result of paid ads. It can also increase organic reach. Your post presence is influenced by your engagement rate.

You are probably asking yourself why I need to learn how to increase your social media platforms’ organic reach, and the answer is simple you want to attract as many people as you can first to gain more followers and second to sell your products or services without spending a ton of money, especially when you are just starting.

Just to help you understand the importance of your social media platforms’ organic reach, Facebook’s organic reach declined by close to 2.2 percent in 2021. That means if you have, for example, 800 people who are subscribed to your page, only 17 of them will see your post. LinkedIn has an organic reach of about 5.3 percent, and Instagram has a reach of about 9.4 percent.

Now that you understand how important the interactions are let’s change how to post and what to post. First, always think about active users you publish for and focus on selective publications that are explicitly for them. You can target each of your posts published by your business page to specific audiences regardless of if the post is sponsored or not.

It is crucial that you control the posting frequency across your accounts. Strive to hit the limit your target audience tolerates. Do not post too much that your volume creates complaints about you, and don’t post too little that your audience forgets about you.

An effective first step when a social media user posts are to take a few seconds to engage in dialogue with their audience. Respond to all questions and conversations as posted from your Pages, algorithms prioritize with the most recent interaction. Pick a time to talk if your previous communications were productive and valuable to your audience.

Post content that encourages conversations amongst your audience. According to Facebook, if a post has triggered a great deal of discussion between a user’s friend, the algorithm applies action-bumping logic to push that post to the user again. The algorithm values material that audiences want to share with friends.

Responses to your content with reactions carry more weight than likes alone. To promote reactions to your audience, encourage emotion with your content. To increase the likelihood that your viewers will react to your material, use this feedback lesson for social media sentiment.

As a rule of thumb, post when your audience is online. Remember, the most recent comments are always at the top of the news feed. An audience has the best chance of seeing and engaging with your post if it hits the top of their Facebook timeline when they return online.

Bypass the Facebook News Feed algorithm by setting stories as public. Stories aren’t part of the Facebook algorithm. Hence, algorithm rules won’t apply to them, and Facebook states they work well for driving traffic. Fifty-eight percent of people who have seen a brand’s Story also have visited the brand’s website for information.

Create a Facebook page simply because the advantage of operating a Facebook group business is that, while it does take some attention and nutrition, it opens another outlet to connect with your customers, fans, and community.

Live videos get 6 times more engagement than regular videos. The Facebook engine finds this tactic so successful that it promotes it. Live video is a particularly authentic and personal way to approach your video recordings. Facebook prioritizes live broadcasts for users who are similar and have related habits. This hack provides creative ways to tie up your organic caught-up.

Videos that Facebook rates higher than others take into account how long they last and the number of people who watch them, so you should consider not simply posting shorter clips, but longer ones as well. Longer videos can help you extend your organic reach on Facebook. So if you post one, ensure you set it for at least one-and-a-half to 3 minutes. Videos with entertaining content are especially compelling to watch to the end; the longer they are, the more organic reach they have.

Facebook has a different algorithm than modalities in which a page posts compared to people post. You can use your employees’ posts to engage with your employees and increase brand authority.

Buzzsumo analyzed over 1 billion Facebook posts from over 30 million web pages, and they found out that posts without hashtags engaged users more than usual. Does that show us that we should ve stopped using hashtags on Facebook at all? Not quite. There are effective ways to use hashtags in your Facebook business strategy, and you can see good results by following best practices. According to Post Planner, too many hashtags may decrease interactions but increase them if 1 to 2 hashtags are used. Posts with 1 to 2 hashtags averaged 593 interactions Posts with 3 to 5 hashtags averaged 416 interactions Posts with 6 to 10 hashtags averaged 307 interactions Posts with more than 10 hashtags averaged 188 interactions, so going from 2 to 3 hashtags caused engagement to go up.

Make an effort to avoid these mistakes: Asking people to react to the posts (includes like, love, haha, wow, sad, and angry). Comment baiting Asking people to comment with specific answers (words, numbers, phrases, or emojis). Share baiting Asking people to share the post with their friends. Tag baiting Asking people to tag their friends.

Always remember to cultivate your organic reach by combining it with paid advertisement, you can extend your organic reach so your social media posts can be exposed to more users. This can mean a longer period of time for other users to engage with your posts.

See you soon friends!

No More Boring Social Media Pages

No More Boring Social Media Pages

The value of content gets more expensive every year, this might sound like a cliché but is true –Knowledge is Power.  Whether you get it or not the only way to gain valuable followers likes or whatever you want it called is by sharing things that is going somehow help people.

Write about things you think people need to learn more about, give them your opinion and suggest valid solutions. People will get used to your writing style and your personality, those who like it will follow and little by little you will build a great list of followers.

But what if you work in a tax services company? How then are you supposed to come up with a database that people can relate to?

Be fun, if there is something people don’t react well at all is to big technical words, explain everything in a simple way.  Implement the use of videos and use more graphics.

If you don’t see a change right away don’t worry, this process takes time and your expertise, personality, and perseverance will surely help you position yourself among the experts on your niche.



El Ransomeware se traduce como el pago de rescate que hackers o piratas informáticos exigen a sus victimas una vez que bloquean el acceso a sus computadores, haciendo imposible accesar documentos, fotografías y demás.
En los últimos años se ha visto un incremento en ransomware desde las compañías más pequeñas hasta grandes industrias como la compañía Mondelez (galletas Oreos).
Rick McElroy (el estratega de seguridad de la compañía Carbon Black Enterprise), explica que este campo delictivo es muy fructífero y que con el pasar del tiempo simplemente va a empeorar.
La evolución de la oscura internet y el bitcoin que tomo nuevamente fuerza durante el 2017, se puede conseguir la compra-venta de data con información sensitiva sin necesidad de revelar tu identidad. Esto piratas informático entienden que pueden hacer dinero rápidamente con un bajo riesgo sino mínimo de ser capturados por las autoridades. La adquisición de dinero por parte de estos delincuentes es tan grande que en cuestión de meses compran programas y equipos mas sofisticados que hace humanamente imposible para cualquier compañía hacer una gran inversión de dinero tanto en equipo como en empleados en un corto plazo de tiempo.
Este tipo de crimen es tan lucrativo que el Instituto de Infraestructura Tecnológica para Reportar los Pagos de Rescate, reporto en el 2017 que ahora los criminales cibernéticos crean productos para la venta para los piratas cibernéticos con menos experiencia.
El precio a pagar no es bajo, el precio por liberar una computadora de este secuestro comienza desde los $300.00 en adelante nada económico.
Nuestra recomendación Norton: Paga un servicio anual de antivirus, ellos ofrecen diferentes paquetes. El mas alto $49.00 al año por proteger no solamente tu computadora sino también tus aparatos móviles. Si haces la comparación de precios sin contar con el estrés te aseguramos que es un servicio que vale la pena. Durante el 2017 Norton saco al mercado otro producto denominado Norton Core, donde además de proteger tus aparatos electrónicos también protegen tu red.
Existen otras compañías en el mercado que ofrecen la misma protección, no te conviertas en una víctima más. Protege tu inversión y sobre todo tu información que es tan valiosa.
Avoid the You have been Hacked Screen